“Would you rather be nearly saved or nearly drowned?” was a common riddle children would ask each other when I was growing up. As I certainly didn’t want to nearly drown I remember answering that of course I wanted to be nearly saved – instinctively that felt like a safer bet.
All parents screw up their kids
“All parents screw up their kids”
Pandemrix Déjà vu
Some people are faced with a difficult choice over whether or not to vaccinate their children to Covid-19. This article discusses some of the history of the swine-flu vaccination campaign in 2009-2010 and analyses some of the Irish Central Statistics Office Covid-19 death figures by age group. This is an excerpt from the longer article “What is the purpose of your journey”
What is the purpose of your journey?
What is the purpose of your journey? Many people will be familiar with this question from Garda (Irish police) checkpoints over the Coronavirus lock-down travel restrictions that operated within the Republic of Ireland between 2020 and 2021. To me, that…
The Happiness Directive
From economic growth to Covid-19 statistics, governments around the world keep majoring in minors and only seem to be able to think about one thing at a time. What are the most important things in life and how do we work towards them?
Even good things can be done badly
Are you pro-science or anti-science? Anti-vaccine or pro-vaccine? Pro-wind turbines or anti-turbines?
In the era of 24-7 information overload, complex topics are being simplified to the point of meaninglessness. I may as well be asked if I think food, sex or football are good or bad… well it all depends, doesn’t it?